Friday, October 8, 2010

The Silver Story

  • An exceptional Series 1957 A Silver Certificate
  • 1921 Morgan Silver Dollar(Last year of Mintage)(90% Silver)
  • 1922 Peace Silver Dollar(First Year of Mintage)(90% Silver)
  • Granules of Silver (unknown weight)
  • The Story of Silver is also included.
The coins and the silver certificate

This treasure album represents a look at a by gone era; a time when the asverage U.S. citizen could reach into his pocket and get a silver coin. He could open his wallet and find a bill redeemable in Silver or if he was w-a-y, he could change a five dollar bill and expect some silver dollars in change.
June of 1968  will always be remembered as the official time when Uncle Sam decreed that his Silver certificates were no longer redeemable for silver. The tiny drops of silver granules which  a citizen could get by traveling to the San Francisco or New York Assay officer were his redemption fullfillment. No mail transactions were allowed so the number of redeemed certificates were minimal until the dealer in silver got into the story. By offering a bonus ranging up to fifty percent for a certificate. The dealers were able to redeem many millions of the bills. In turn they got bsrs of Silver and then resold them for a minimal profit in a fluctuating market.
Silver was sold by the Tresury at an official rate of $1,2999% per ounce. As the stock pile lessened, the restrictions against unlimited were placed into effect and only legitimate holders of a necessesary use certificate were allowed to buy at a very low price. The outside market price ran as high as 75% above the government supported figure. The bars were sold as fast as they were offered and prices and offerings for silver certificates varied from day to day during the last few  months  of the silver certificates reedemption period.


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